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1) Travell Itinerant Reception of Agrochemicals Empty Packaging

We promote once a year this action that is focused on small producers and family farms. We have partnership  with INPEV, ARAGO, Agrodefesa and whith our agrochemical suppliers.

2)Environmental Actions

We support the cultivation through the tillage system, a technique that preserves the fertility of the soil, prevents erosion and the silting of water reservoirs, rivers and streams.

We encourage the control of pests, diseases and weeds making use of appropriate agrochemicals, respecting the record for each crop.

We encourage and we offer solutions to the Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

  • The chemical, biological and cultural controls when used in an integrated way can reduce the overall impact of the pest, maintaining its infestation at acceptable levels without major economic damage. They are less aggressive to the environment and natural enemies, promoting reduction in production costs;
  • We offer solutions that contribute to the Biological control: bacteria and viruses;
  • Cultural measures: Use of resistant varieties, crop rotation, changing the time of planting or harvest, soil fertilization, poly cultivation, etc .;
  • Chemical control: Applying rationally according to results of sampling. We provide products with different modes of action which aid the programming strategy for active principle of alternation and mode of action of agrochemicals, preventing the biological target from acquiring resistance

We encourage the cultivated areas to be fertilized on the basis of precision agriculture surveys, to rationalize the use of fertilizers and to adopt more efficient products with added technology that provides the smallest loss. Also we offer our customers the possibility of biological fertilizer production, promoting the construction of bio-factories on the farm. Also in terms of better utilization of fertilizers in some cases we recommend the liquid fertilizer in the planting furrow technique called by our supplier Agrichem of SKFS (Smart Kit Furrow Seeding).

We guide our customers to always discard the packaging of agrochemicals in accordance with legal regulations.

3) Avoid deforestation for the recovery of degraded pastures

A project between Agroconfiança, Solidaridad, Cerquality and Via Verde.
Solidaridad is developing a project called “Avoid deforestation through recovery of degraded pastures” which focuses on avoiding deforestation by lease, recovery of degraded pastures to expand the area planted with soybeans. This project also aims to seek soy certification in northern Goiás.